Cost inscreasing for Iowa state offering free insurance for employees

Iowa offers free one of only six members provide insurance for civil servants and their families. This means that the cost of providing health insurance has more than 300 percent to 176 million in 10 years, the analysis shows Des Moines Register.
Iowa State employees also pay much lower out-of-pocket costs such as deductibles and co-insurance payments for the office, private sector employees after an independent study of nearly 900 business and government employers has led this year by David P. Lind  Associates of Clive.
Government employees at all levels in Iowa, including those who pay for schools and local governments out-of-pocket costs to pay about half the amount of workers in private firms has been investigated Lind. This represents a potential annual savings of $ 1,000 or more for each worker.
The combination of higher operating costs and reduction in government revenue has prompted calls for change.
Rep. Scott Raecke of Urbandale, the top Republican of the House Budget Committee has proposed that state employees is $ 50 per month for health insurance contributions.
As of July 1, 84 percent of the 28,522 workers in state health insurance through their work has included projects for which no premiums are paid according to the Iowa Department of Management. This figure includes workers in all branches of state government.
The other five states have at least a portion of premiums for health officials are Arkansas, Delaware, North Dakota, Oklahoma and Oregon.
Iowa offers its employees a variety of insurance plans. Overall, 16 percent of public officials who were part of the cost of insurance more comprehensive, medical conditions such as chronic illness, or pay a larger share of total debt includes elected.
The proposal is unlikely to go anywhere in the next legislative period. The Democrats take the representatives of governors and majorities in both the Iowa House of Representatives and Senate.
The benefits negotiated with the unions as legally binding agreements, and performance would be unfair,  said McCarthy.
It was agreed that medical costs are out of control, but said the issue should be resolved through internal reforms.
Several other Member States shall consider whether the cost of health insurance net.
Officials in Alabama, California, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine and Nevada, for further examination by officials higher premiums and co-payments after the National Conference of State legislature. At least 11 members are considering cutting coverage.
Employees of the request for payment of premiums, partially not contribute to the cost of government, but to gain awareness of the health care costs, which ultimately help to keep the money, said Fred Buie, President of Keystone Electrical Manufacturing Co.. in Des Moines.
Keystone, which employs 60 full time employees, the level of health insurance costs over the past four years, particularly through the creation of health accounts that employees for reimbursement of certain medical expenses. The accounts are a tax benefit to help offset the cost of Keystone.
Cornerstone employees pay on average about 18 percent of health spending through monthly contributions.
Union officials representing state workers have long argued that the framework for the efficient execution of the compromise state officials make the case that the reduction of wages.
It depends on the level of education of public officials, following a review of data on salaries for the Register of Iowa State University economist David Swenson made.
While training for state workers on average earn less than the private sector, US $ 15.000 or more per year, was Swenson. But workers state-wide group of around $ 5400 per year on average base salary of $ 4,700 and receive more benefits than their private counterparts.
The register, in response, much of these shares data with Homan and spokesman Charlie Wishman, and requested the information or studies that the newspaper disputes the results. They refused to do so, even if Wishman made in an e-mail question Lind method, because not end the level of education.
Study Lind, the cost of health insurance, unlike salaries, are not targeted closely to the level of education. Lind said the research, accuracy of plus or minus 3.3 points.
Union officials said members have a lower growth in recent years, has accepted the maintenance of good performance. Linear board wage increases are 3 percent or less for the last 10 years raises in 2006 and the current financial year. Some employees may be increased each year to step over-all growth of the vessel.
Susan Shields, a pharmacist with the US Department of Corrections is a matter of public employees who are highly educated earn less than their private partners. Eleven years ago, left his job with a pharmacist to join a major retailer for state employees. Last year I paid about $ 4,000 less than the pharmacist remains on average in Iowa.
Shields said they are working about 80 hours a week in the private sector and now works closer to a normal working week. Although the pay is less than the benefits situation is better, is recognized.
The government has taken steps in recent years taken to clear the increased cost of benefits to workers health. These efforts have created tensions.
Since January this year, for example, eliminates Iowa United Healthcare as an option for health insurance for state employees, a measure expected to save 10.8 million U.S. dollars this year, according to a statement sent to the member agents September by Ed Holland, Board Administrator, Iowa Department of Administrative Services.
Iowa five members of the Executive Council headed by Governor Chet Culver of the decision. Opponents, including members of his party, told thousands of employees could choose between plans that offer less flexibility, particularly to see specialists in other countries. Doubts about the savings.
Holland said last week that the decision has not yet resulted in any problems.
The state has developed education on prevention and wellness, which officials believe will help reduce long-term costs.
Government officials, including Culver, who also established a working group of trade unions and government representatives to identify opportunities to reduce health care costs. Next time, contracts of the Union will be 2011 for the negotiations.
The process of negotiations leading to agreements on wages and benefits shall be conducted almost entirely in private. In general, the governor takes a handful of public officials and representatives of trade. Even if the authorities conclude a definitive association agreements not to discuss publicly the Union leaders, the negotiators of the government and legislators in general, as negotiators arrived in the scheme.
The Department of Administrative Services has denied the request for an interview with a member of the Board participating in collective bargaining.
Senate Majority Leader Michael Gronstal, D-Council Bluffs, said that negotiations for a large part of the decision on the cost of employee benefits in the hands of the legislature.
Senate Republican Leader Paul McKinley said the EU negotiation process should be done to achieve greater transparency for greater citizen participation as a negotiating partner.
If a commander will require employees to pay part of premiums or other measures to regulate the costs that these changes are often years in production, said Richard nightmare, Director of the National Health Conference of the State legislature.