Health care system could save over $1.1 billion in West Virginia

West Virginia health care system could save approximately 1.1 billion U.S. dollars by using digital and centralization of patient care, according to a first of its kind in its report presented to legislators Monday.
These savings should be seen not only government agencies but also by private insurers and their policyholders, who would directly benefit in the form of lower premiums.
It urgently needs a number of initiatives have already begun to give, such as electronic patient records and rules, according to the group behind it.
It is truly remarkable, given the savings options that are basically low-hanging fruit,  said Perry Bryant, executive director of West Virginia for affordable healthcare.
Legislature in a joint interim government is the policy on health care Thursday with cautious praise for the report.
The estimates presented in the report of the use of CCRC Actuaries for the Virginia Health Care Authority-West, data from insurance claims more than 800,000 residents of West Virginia, including those in public programs like Medicaid and private plans, as Mountain State Blue Cross Blue Shield .
Both the volume and range of information on exposure assessment, unique value,  said Bryant.
I know of no other country to know where private insurance companies have voluntarily transferred their data,  he said.
The three pieces of  ripe fruit  in the report are digital electronic medical records and prescribing the so-called  medical home  concept of patient care, to care, where prices are close relationships between doctors and patients a wide range of care.
West Virginia has already taken action on these strategies, but the estimates in the report is available for implementation at national level.
In the case of electronic prescription, the report said, the overall saving 164 million U.S. dollars in 2014, nearly 51 million U.S. dollars in deposits and private insurers $ 42 million savings policyholders.After fruits is suspended, it is not quite so low. The report estimates that will take a national medical homes cost about 45 million U.S. dollars for the front and ongoing costs of approximately $ 368 million.
Removal of 2014 estimated savings of $ 643 million, but that still means a break of about 274 million U.S. dollars, the report estimates that the savings for growth of around 2 billion USD in 2019.
The most difficult of the three steps to implement a national system of electronic health records. West Virginia has already installed digital recording systems in seven public hospitals, private doctors, but also on board is not so simple.
It is estimated that nearly nine out of 10 offices continue to have health care, while the paper. As the new report states that, given the current costs for doctors $ 25,000 $ 45,000 and then the annual cost is between $ 2,000 and $ 9,000, rising steeply for small businesses.
If adopted nationally the use of electronic medical records for the next four years, although the report estimates that savings of over $ 317 million, including $ 85 million for private insurance companies and 84 million to policyholders.
Legislative Assembly for the interim meeting Monday whether the federal health care legislation in Congress of West Virginia could complicate the efforts cited in the report.
Bryant called before the legislature of the initiatives of Member States, especially for suppliers, press, even if it is clear from Capitol Hill.