Health Insurance In New York

Health insurance is an insurance policy for all or part of the accounts of health care a person paid. Health insurance is a renewable annual contract between an insurer and an individual. With health insurance claims for each insured pays deductible and co-payment (eg, a hospital would be paid the first $ 1,000 by the end of the insured, plus $ 100 per night in a hospital). Normally, there is a maximum out-of-pocket payment for a year and can be a maximum of life.
The purpose of insurance is to help people cover their health care, which generally include doctor visits, hospitalizations, surgeries, procedures, testing, care home and other therapies and services.
According to recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau, which has about 85% of citizens have health insurance. 59.5% of these people their health insurance through their employers, and approximately 9% buy direct from the market. Government sources cover 27.3% of the population. If you do not have private insurance to pay for medical services.
Types of  Health Insurance in New York.The types of personal insurance in New York, Group Health Plans, plans individual projects health and government as Medicare and Medicaid. In the U.S., government intervention programs funded by Medicare for the elderly and end stage renal disease, for providing the patients.

One group coverage plan to provide health care for employers, student organizations, professional associations, religious organizations and other groups. The employer may) for all or part of insurance (premium.
Individual insurance and family health care is a type of insurance available to individuals and families as well as groups or employers’ organizations. These health care plans sold directly to individuals. For those of you who are unemployed or self-employment, individual health insurance is always an option. Unfortunately, the price of these policies is high and coverage is less complete generally organized plan of care. The good news is that in many cases, your insurance premiums tax deductible. Of course, if you’re married, you can always try to catch a ride with your spouse, insurance benefits group plan for health.
Health insurance can be broken down to pay for the service or indemnity (traditional insurance) and managed care. Both group and individual insurance can be either fee-for-service or managed care programs.
These include HMO, PPO, and sales plans. Managed care plans typically make use of managed care providers. Healthcare providers within a network agree to run the program for patients to manage care contract prices negotiated in advance and will normally refer the complaint to the insurance for you. In general, you will have less bureaucracy and fewer out-of-pocket insurance costs in managed care and greater choice of providers of health services with a compensation plan.
 All these plans provide full benefits for health insurance for members and their families. If you are lucky to have the choice of the project will be the advantages and disadvantages of each. Compare, choose the cost of care, the difference in premiums, deductibles, and your freedom, a doctor outside the plan. There are many other covers to compare the two – from prescription drugs, dental disease in alternative therapies. Make sure you understand the nuances of each.
Normally, the same costs as managed care. The difference is filed, the doctor is paid for each visit to the complaint, either the patient or medical institution. A big advantage – unlike some managed care plans, the cost of the service allows the patient to a high degree of freedom in choosing doctors and hospitals use, but will probably involve higher out-of-pocket costs and additional bureaucracy.
However, more must be certified in the annual donation to the insurance begins to pay, pay your requirements. A compensation plan may also require you to pay for services and then claim the insurance company for reimbursement.
Short-term insurance is designed to protect against unforeseen accidents or illnesses, but also provide comprehensive coverage, and therefore, generally do not cover preventive care, medical examinations, immunizations, dental or vision care count. It includes, for a limited period and may be an ideal solution for those between jobs or to start the waiting period for other health insurance companies. In general, short-term plans offer coverage up to six months, although some plans may offer coverage up to 12 months. Buying a short-term medical insurance programs will not be eligible for guaranteed individual health is commonly known as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) projects. HIPAA plans are usually expensive and are generally for people with existing illnesses have difficulties with health insurance would be different.
Medical Savings Account (MSA) is the latest development in the field of health insurance. The principle of MSA is to bear the brunt of economic risk, and enable the premium away from the care and management of non-life insurance companies and individuals to save money in a tax-free savings account for the use of medical expenses. Individuals or their employers purchase major medical policies, medical insurance does not cover medical expenses if the amount paid by patients for more than a predetermined amount such as $ 2,500 per year.
What is the best health insurance plan?
1. You have a fixed term coverage or just something for the short-term needs?
If you are between jobs for 1-6 months, you may want to go for short-term fixed-term options for coverage. Alternatively, if you are likely to have group health insurance through an employer, can offer value for the stability and the benefits of greater individual health insurance and family will offer a longer duration.
2. Looking for basic or full?
Some insurance plans offer basic coverage (ie, inpatient hospitalization and cover primarily outpatient surgery coverage) to you in case of serious accident or illness. These plans generally have lower monthly premium than plans with full coverage, and for people to use their insurance primarily suitable for the case of a serious accident or illness.
Other insurance coverage which is more comprehensive, including benefits like preventive care, medical services, benefits for prescription drugs and routine visits. These insurance plans are generally unable to higher monthly premium than plans that can provide basic coverage only for people who want to use their insurance on a regular basis.
3. You pay for your services before using them or use them?
If you choose a health insurance fund with a low monthly premium is likely to have higher co-payment or deductible. If you can not assume that frequent use of the program for your health a higher deductible with a lower monthly premium you can fit better.
4. How important is it for you easy access to specialists?
Health insurance plans that require you to coordinate your care by a family doctor to be necessary in the rule that you get a referral before seeing a specialist. So, if you prefer easier access to specialists, you may want to consider another type of project.
5. Are you a doctor or hospital you visit specific health care;
Some insurance plans use provider networks. Pay special attention to network physicians and facilities, everyone uses health insurance. Also note that networks can change health plans used, so there is no guarantee that your doctor will always be restricted by your health insurance.
6. What is the maximum amount that could pay in case of serious illness or injury?
Health insurance is generally defined limits on the amount a member must pay each year for the care of their health. This limit is often referred to as an out-of-pocket amounts listed above. Once it has a maximum amount for your health care, health insurance should cover all other expenses for the remainder of the benefit. If it is what can happen to you in case of serious illness or injury in question, you may want to pay particular attention to out-of-pocket maximum for health insurance, you should consider.
No matter what insurance you can choose to train and understand the essential elements of health insurance before finalizing anything.