Premium tax would raise health insurance charge

Why? Because Congress wants to impose $ 6.7 billion premium for all U.S. private health insurance each year for the next ten years to reform the process.
It is a tax of $ 67 billion.
Health plans will have no choice but to pass these costs on to consumers. This tax is more difficult for families to pay insurance, increase the difficulties of small business tries to reassure employees and hinder job creation.
In Florida, small businesses are the basis of our economy. This tax will hit our economy very hard. It is simply this, what must the families and small businesses since it would leave a severe recession to rise.
The Congressional Budget Office has assessed this fee and will be found to lead to  higher premiums for private insurance.  CBO estimates that premiums would increase non-partisan for each service area of nearly 13 percent.
This tax could also adversely affect the insured because they provide the possibility for projects on health, expect all the benefits that members can cause damage.
Because Congress is prepared to impose such taxes, health insurance in 2010. The families have already applied for the coverage when you register for next year, after small businesses that have already negotiated contracts for hedging.
The result? Health plans may not pay an adequate premium for the huge cost of taxes and benefits could suffer.
Unfortunately, they have plans for health demonized the pursuit of reform. But in reality, it is fair to say that health plans are a lot of money, profit margins are actually quite low.
In 2008, plans to make private health 8.61 billion U.S. dollars in total profits nationally, according to the magazine Forbes. The margin of the industry was only 2.2 percent, the plans for the health, classification, the 35th of the 53 industries in terms of profitability.
As President and CEO of Santaf茅 HealthCare, the parent company of AvMed Health Plans I am really touched by this proposed tax. As one of the oldest in Florida and most of AvMed Health Plans Profit gains reinvested every year and more about the benefits and improving services to members of Orlando and elsewhere.
Clearly, the tax on health insurance eliminates most of the annual profits of our mission, we are the disadvantages-productive. While the leaders of Congress must understand that this tax makes sense.
There are better ways to pay for health reform systematic support AvMed and other health facilities.
Instead of taxing health insurance, the conference will focus on the underlying costs of medical care. We can realize significant savings from the elimination of unnecessary treatments and services that will wind up the elimination of a wider fraud and ending frivolous medical procedures through the trial lawyers.
The reform of health care should not hurt Florida's families and small businesses. It should not hinder the ability of plans for health services.
Please contact your representatives in Congress and Florida, two senators today. Ask them against non-tax health insurance. Even if we achieve lasting reform, better ways.